How to write a captivating short story

Follow these steps to hone your skills and write short stories like Raymond Carver. Whether a successful published novelist or a creative writing student, all writers should try their hand at short stories at least a few times in their lives. Writing a successful short story – which I’ll define as executing a captivating, engaging […]

12 key steps for getting unstuck as a writer

Trapped in the middle of your manuscript? Here’s how to move forward. You started your manuscript with such enthusiasm. You wrote 20 pages in ONE NIGHT. Your brain was popping with ideas. Scenes flowed. You were sure you’d be done with the whole thing in a month. And then, one quiet morning, you sat down […]

Six steps to increase your writing productivity every day

Do you find yourself staring at a blank page despite trying many different tactics to be more productive? Then it may be time to try something new. Here are six tips and tricks that will help you get more done. To write well, you must write. Which is advice that sounds easy to do when […]

What’s more important, the melody or the lyric?

Some people think melody rules and others think it’s the lyrics and there are strong arguments that support both beliefs. I’ve been a songwriter all of my life and I am privileged to have been able to do what I love most and to be successful at it. I would have to say that melody […]

Learning How to Write Songs

Learning how to write songs is not unlike learning how to play an instrument. The difference is, you have a teacher when you’re learning to play an instrument and you don’t have one when you’re learning to write songs. Almost anyone can learn to play an instrument, but not everyone can learn to write a […]

Can a melody created by artificial intelligence be copyrighted?

Damien Riehl and his partner Noah Rubin seem to think so. Damien Riehl is an attorney and self-described musician/songwriter and Noah Rubin is a programmer and self-described musician/songwriter. They created a program and an algorithm that they claim has written every melody possible. They further claim that since they put this vast amount of information […]